Tips for a Successful Interview 

 by Sebastian Chaco

Going through the interview process can be a nerve wracking experience, especially if it’s your first time. However if you follow these useful tips you will be on your way to the career of your dreams!

 Tip #1: Practice, practice, practice.

It would be helpful and very beneficial if you practiced the interview process with somebody a couple days before the actual interview. Have your partner ask some questions such as: Why should we hire you? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What do you see yourself doing in this company 5 years from now? Answering these types of questions will help you prepare for the actual interview.

 Tip #2: Dress for success

Look your best for the interview. The first impression is critical to a successful interview. By dressing in a professional manner it tells the interviewer if you are professional in dress then you must also be professional in the workforce. It is also better to be overdressed than underdressed.

 Tip #3: Research the company

Make sure and research the company in depth. Find out the company’s mission statement, learn the history of the company, discover who the upper management is, etc.

Having knowledge about the company will not only help you to understand about the company but it will show that you took the time and effort to know about the company.

 Tip #4: Bring copies of your resume

Bring at least 5 copies of your resume to the interview because you may encounter more than one interviewer. Having enough resumes for everyone displays your preparation for the interview.

 Tip #5: Display confidence

Self confidence is probably the most important quality to have at an interview. Employers like to have confident people on their team because if the potential employee displays confidence at an interview then more than likely they will display confidence on a difficult task or situation.

These are the main tips you should follow in order to have a successful interview. Good luck!